The Arogyam project is aimed at creating a sustainable healthcare model at the village level by increasing access to healthcare and providing health intervention services including diagnostics, treatment, consultation and medication to the inhabitant tribes of the villages in Araku Valley. The program focuses on providing timely healthcare to the villagers by utilizing local resources, facilitating doctor availability, incorporating good management practices and measuring impact. The program is being designed with a view to make it scalable and replicable at various tribal regions in India.
Introduction & Background
Access to healthcare is one of the primary factors that contributes to a healthy community, yet this is a distant dream for many villages in India. The inhabitant tribes of the villages in Araku valley and Korraput, Orissa are one such group who face extreme barriers to healthcare. The villages of the Valley are widespread over a few hundred square kilometers into mountains and valleys with a very disproportionate share of healthcare facilities, available only at far-off locations. In absence of transportation facilities, the access is even further curtailed. As a result, a commute to the hospital for a villager is an entire day exercise, often compromising on his daily wages. The tribes have to time and again travel through adverse weather conditions, sometimes through bad roads and sometimes on foot to healthcare centers, which may or may not be equipped to attend to them at that time. When severe problems arise, the tribes sometimes have to rush to nearby cities and towns. Not always does a patient in need of healthcare reach in time to get appropriate treatment, unfortunately succumbing to fatalities or irreversible adverse health effects.
This lack of organized delivery of healthcare and poor preventive healthcare place the tribes at a high degree of vulnerability. The Arogyam program aims at causing a positive intervention to this aspect of the tribal living, by providing village healthcare or Arogyam workers who can attend to the healthcare needs of the villagers in a timely manner
Objectives of the program
Preventive Care
Building Healthy Community by educating communities on matters related to hygiene, prevention and mitigation of diseases and disorders, emergency care etc.
Conducting general and targeted health campaign.
Maternal and neonatal care.
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Early Diagnosis of problems that require medical attention
Digitalization of health records and subsequently use analytics to provide personalized healthcare solutions
Provide accessibility to a healthcare provider
Mobile access to basic diagnostics through village healthcare worker
Provide basic treatment through village healthcare worker.
24x7 tele-consultation services with doctors (through healthcare management firms)
Video- consultation with doctors at specific locations. (through healthcare management firms)
Periodic scheduled consultation for chronic ailments
Availability of Medication
Pregnant women & neo-natal care
Link services to Government Hospitals for specific cases.
Local Job creation
Documentation of tribal medicinal
Documentation of Tribal Medication
Collect manuscripts of available information on tribal medici
Create database of Tribal medicine practitioners
Translation of manuscripts into English
Adopt some of the practice into mainstream treatment methods